Poem- Another Face of Earth

Poem- Another Face of Earth

Another Face of Earth

Chaplin’s my best friend.

‘Tis why my rancour rambles

In the rain while I try

To make lemonade

With rainwater. It ain’t easy.

‘Least I got rain.

And the rain rests on Earth.

But Earth? Lonley.

Mere mortal, wake up!

The Earth thou wasteth

Is not yours to destroy.

Borrowed from your future descendants,

She is yours, only to nurture.

You fly too close to the Sun.

Behold! The Earth shall avenge.

Raining during your ecstasy,

Waves shall reach for the sky

And mountains will spit fire in anger.

And the world shall be another Pompeii.

Take heed, Man.

The Earth’s life depends on you

And yours, on the Earth.

 – Merlin Raphael