Fashion Is Not A Useless Waste Of Time

Fashion Is Not A Useless Waste Of Time

Fashion keeps one an extra step ahead. I’m not saying that being a carbon copy of runway trends is what everyone should do. Ignorance, however, must not cloud us. The key to dressing well definitely includes knowing what’s in vogue and then tailoring that look to fit our personality. not the other way round. Thus, you can stand out in the crowd, commanding instant attention for your unique identity. 

Yes personality is important but not many take the effort to get to know us. So, in instances where a first impression is vital to success, fashion turns out to be an indispensable weapon.


What do you think? If you’ve got an interesting observation about fashion, let us know in the comments.

Marriage Isn’t For You

Marriage Isn’t For You

Seth Adam Smith

Having been married only a year and a half, I’ve recently come to the conclusion that marriage isn’t for me.

Now before you start making assumptions, keep reading.

I met my wife in high school when we were 15 years old. We were friends for ten years until…until we decided no longer wanted to be just friends. 🙂 I strongly recommend that best friends fall in love. Good times will be had by all.

Nevertheless, falling in love with my best friend did not prevent me from having certain fears and anxieties about getting married. The nearer Kim and I approached the decision to marry, the more I was filled with a paralyzing fear. Was I ready? Was I making the right choice? Was Kim the right person to marry? Would she make me happy?

Then, one fateful night, I shared these thoughts and concerns with my dad.

Perhaps each…

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How to keep New Year’s Resolutions

How to keep New Year’s Resolutions

Yes, we have a New Year. It’s 2014. Wohooo!!!

Now what?

Some of us are already well into those resolutions. But does a resolution really matter if we’re gonna drop it by February?


January 1st – worked out!!!!!!!!

January 2nd – worked out!!!!!

January 29th – worked out.

February 7th – had to meet Josh for ice-cream… will definitely do it tomorrow

February 15th – did not…. I’m not even gonna give an excuse.

February 26th – do I care?

March 1st – apparently not.


A resolution should be a source of motivation, not something you avoid like that mean teacher from high school.

Here’s how to keep those resolutions:

1. Really Realistic

You’ll be doing this for the next three hundred and sixty five days. Every single day will NOT be perfect. You’re alarm clock might suddenly decide to take a day off or (hopefully) cute Josh might ask you out (or to take a vacation… or to marry him… wow, I’m getting carried off). My point is that it should be something that’ll fit into your daily routine.

Try not to take up more than half an hour for it.

2. Throw out the Impossible

Yes, some things are possibly impossible. Come on… you can’t divide 49 by 2 and still get a whole number as the answer!

So if you’ve included things like “Will lose weight in one month”, cross it out. Firstly too much weight loss in too little time is unhealthy. Secondly… how many of us will actually do it?!! (But no… don’t play with your health.)

You rule your resolutions. Don’t EVER make it the other way round.

3. Part of You

If you’ve planned to become a better person and have “Control Anger” and “Start Smiling”, you need to make it a part of you. Dedicating a specific amount of time for this kind of stuff isn’t exactly the height of practicability. Make your reactions to unfavorable circumstances (a certain annoying person) automatic. Actively think about it for about a month and you’ll be all set.



I hope this helped you guys. If you have any suggestions for improvement in this article or an idea for another one, please do let me know.

You can just write a comment or reach me at:


Twitter: @herteenmusings

Friday Favorites

Friday Favorites

Jennifer In The Sky With Diamonds

Here are my few of my FAVORITE things from this week.

Enjoy xoxo


Houndstooth & Gingham at Balmain. Angelic and innocent yet edgy. One of my favorite looks ever. All white all day long.



I have this on my face as I type. Amazing. I shit you not. Go buy it. I’ll literally can’t stop stroking my face afterwards. Definitely worth it.



I believe that books are the path to an open mind. Fully and wholeheartedly. Read all the books you can absorb, they’re wonderful and if you can’t afford to travel, don’t have the ability to be 10 different people at once, or fearlessly chase down each doubt and each trepidation – read. It’s one of the most fulfilling blessings available. Really.



I love big hair, dark eyes and neutral lips. If I could wear it to work everyday I…

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